Whilst ultimately there is no me to teach and no you and no-thing to be taught, the illusion of separation is so nearly perfect that most believe their experience of a separate self to be real.

That said, simply hearing ‘your suffering is illusory’ is unlikely to end that suffering; these words to most unrelatable - far removed from anything that is known experientially.

The experiences called teaching and learning can only be had in the relative; within the illusion of duality and, that any teaching/learning take place, whatever is said must be relatable. Accordingly, sessions differ from person to person, being relevant to the understandings and experiences of the individual.

What is often enlightening, in as much as both illuminating and unburdening, is the replacing of concepts and understandings that explain, justify, excuse or blame upon others experiences of separation/suffering with ones less untruthful.

Consider the following narratives, each ‘making sense of’ an experience:

You're making me annoyed/you are annoying

I'm annoyed

I'm reacting with annoyance

I'm noticing annoyance

There is a sensation in the body that, combined with thought, I'm calling and experiencing as annoyance

I am aware of a sensation in the body and absent of thought, there is no annoyance 

I am awareness

Each interpretation of the experience is replaced by one which is lighter, freer, less personal, less separating than the previous.

For those who are ‘highly sensitive’, clairsentient, claircognisant, those who sense/feel at least as much as they think their way through the world, it is often more pertinent to focus on the experience, rather than the mind’s interpretation of the experience. The knowing that is your ‘sixth sense’ is far more real than the stories of the mind, yet it is often less attractive to the attention and thus discounted.

Again, in as much as both illuminating and unburdening, what is enlightening to the energetically sensitive is learning to distinguish what is you from what is not you - much of what you experience as your suffering is actually that of others.

We may also simply sit in silence.

However the sessions unfold, the point is to connect. As you connect with another, you connect with Self. And, so long as the other is sufficiently open/loving, the more open you are, the deeper/stronger/clearer the connection will be and the more clearly you will know yourself, them, love, Truth and, so far as I have experienced/known, they are the same thing. 

There is no charge for sessions.