Judgement, Separation, Suffering
Judgement, separation, suffering,
Are all one and the same.
Only in language,
Born of linear mind,
Are they distinguished by name.
As you judge, you distance yourself
And at the same time suffer the pain,
That is judgement,
That is separation;
All three are one and the same.
There is no cause
And no effect;
One does not lead to another.
You will experience this if you pay heed
When you next judge, disconnect and suffer.
Contemplate this, experience this,
Until unto you it is known,
That judgement is separation is suffering;
That truly they are one.
With this knowledge embodied,
Of suffering you can choose to be free.
For by accepting and embracing,
You’ll know that you and me,
And he and she and it and they
And all else are connected,
And that suffering can only be known
When this truth is rejected.