There is that which we know,
And so much more that we do not.
Let us ponder that which we don’t, let us wonder.
Let us question, let us reason,
Let us contemplate and explore.
But let us not believe.
Belief is tunnel vision, it is blinkers.
Belief in something, a selfish meme,
A positive feedback loop skewing perspective and perception:
For - that which reinforces, against - that which detracts.
As it compounds we find proof with ever less challenge,
Rejecting all else with even less care,
All the while restricting our very understanding,
Twisting, nay perverting the world around us.
Belief is attachment.
Belief begets the wanting that begets the needing that our beliefs be true.
And then at what cost do we pursue,
These beliefs, these wants, these needs?
How many do we judge, do we mock, do we scorn and reject?
How much suffering do we cause?
How much do we suffer in exchange?
What harm we do to ourselves and to others
In believing!
When truth and belief result coincident,
Do we greet our new knowledge humbly, with a smile?
Or do we tell people so - ‘I told you so!’
All, ourselves included, suffering our pride?
Do we reflect that the truth was always so,
And untwist our thinking, our world?
Or do we make concrete our perversions,
Calling truth as our perjuring witness?
Do we even take the time to wonder who we might be,
Had we never believed?
Do we accept with grace and a smile,
When our belief bears not out in truth?
Or do we fight, kicking and screaming,
Clinging to that now disproved?
How long to untwist, to unpervert?
People telling us so - ‘We told you so!’,
All suffering our shame.
How many beliefs do we hold on to,
The truth of which we will never accept?
Do we even take the time to wonder who we might be,
Had we never believed?
There is that which we know,
And so much more that we do not.
Let us ponder that which we don’t, let us wonder.
Let us question, let us reason,
Let us contemplate and explore.
But let us not believe.